1996 - Toho
Directed By Okihiro Yoneda
A logging company accidentally disturbs the underground prison of a mighty three-headed monster Desghidorah, causing the creature to escape and ravage Japan. Mothra falls in battle and only her young larvae can save the day.

Mothra is back but she should have stayed home.
Kaiju is the name of the almost-always entertaining style of men-in-monster-suits genre of monster movies. Godzilla is the biggest star.
Before she encountered Godzilla for the first time in 1964, Mothra was introduced in her own film in 1961. That film introduced her two tiny singing lady companions who sing her theme song. Those characters and the song are carried over into this film with a few small changes.
The two ladies have a bad sister who controls the villain Desghidorah. That monster is from outer space who sucks the life and energy from every planet it encounters. You're left wondering why the bad sister would ally with something that would certainly bring about her own death. But I've probably thought about this more than anyone involved in the production.
Desghidorah looks remarkably similar (even in name) to Godzilla's three-headed foe King Ghidorah. The film should have come up with something more original.
Like with all the films in the Godzilla series, the film is saddled with dull, formulaic plots featuring humans who either observe or interact with the monsters and/or their wrath.
The Godzilla series usually has multiple human plot-lines going on in the same film. Luckily, we're only forced to sit through the story of one family here... but that includes two VERY annoying kids. The family mostly stands around watching the action and occasionally points at it. Their scenes are dull and lack any character development. No one is more wiser by the end.
The voice dubbing is not good (not that it ever was in these films.)
The special effects are real hit-and-miss. Some shots are amazing (like some shots of the final battle) and would definitely make a highlight reel of Kaiju's best... but most of the shots look horrifically bad.
The battle between the mini-dragon and Fairy, the mini-Mothra look terrible. The way the effects are composited with the live action makes everything look completely phony. During the battle, their movements also appear to violate the laws of physics.
The film carries a strong environmental message with it (like most of Godzilla's films) though at times it feels like we're beaten over the head with it. The entire film takes place in a forest which winds up getting torched. We don't even see one building destroyed.
Ultimately, the film is pulled under by the weight of so much suckiness, much like Mothra's drowning death half-way through the film.
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