1984 - Troma
Directed by Michael Herz and Lloyd Kaufman
Uber-dweeb Melvin (Mark Torgl) is a janitor at the Tromaville Health Club. Four nasty members cause him to fall into toxic waste and become the super hero, the Toxic Avenger (Mitch Cohen.) He begins a quest to rid Tromaville of evil, and gains the support of the citizens. It's a mission that leads him all the way to the town's corrupt mayor, who calls in the national guard.

If you've never seen a film from Troma, you're in for a treat. Troma's films are high camp with extreme violence and very liberal nudity. They are cast with actors that were probably considered too 'out there' for a John Waters film. The Toxic Avenger is the main jewel in Troma's crown (its Citizen Kane.)
The film is a typical comic book movie origin story and is just as entertaining as any other... if you are in the mood for Troma's unconventional b-movie style. Troma always goes for an intentional bad movie. Most of the humor derives from this. The horribly bad cheesy acting, excessive to the extreme violence, and some very bad-taste humor generate tons of laughs and lift this above the usual drek you would have seen in the late 80's - early 90's on 'USA Up All Night' or today.
I have to be in the absolutely perfect mood to enjoy films like this and I'm glad I was tonight. The Toxic Avenger is an incredibly hilarious film, but clearly not for everyone.
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